
As one the most dynamic, informative, and dedicated professional organization in the country, The AEE is well recognized all over the world for its commitment in saving, promoting, educating, divulgating, the unpredictable world of energy! We need your support, your enthusiasm, your membership to change the world, in the arena of energy.
The only pre-requisite for becoming a member of the Baltimore Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers is that you must join the Association of Energy Engineers. Members of the Association with addresses residing in Zip Codes: 21014-21085, 21201-21235, and 21250-21299 are automatically members of the Baltimore Chapter. AEE members in zip codes that are geographically closer to another chapter will be assigned to that chapter unless they specify a chapter preference.
Membership Benefits
By joining AEE, you will have access to a variety of programs. AEE membership includes discounts on training programs, subscriptions to leading-edge technical publications, discounts on professional services, as well as industry networking opportunities.
Members also receive benefits of informational mailings and regular subscriptions to Energy Engineering, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, and Energy User News.